

ex : The old man _______ at the front door is our principal.

(A) who standing (B) who stand (C) stands (D) standing


所以,同學們一定要把這些分身認清楚喔!所以,本題的答案當然就是(D) standing,也可以寫成關係子句 who is standing的模樣。

※ 文法焦點:關係子句與各型形容詞片語的代換:

(1) 現在分詞片語代替關係子句 :含有『主動』的意味。

ex : People who use their free time well are usually healthy and happy. = People using their free time well are usually healthy and happy.

(2) 過去分詞片語代替關係子句 : 含有『被動』的意味。

ex : A man who was called Aesop told many stories.  = A man called Aesop told many stories.

(3) 關係子句與介詞片語的代換 :

ex: Tickets which are to important games are not easily bought. = Tickets to important games are not easily bought.

(4) 關係子句與形容詞片語的代換 :

ex : He drove his truck which was full of fruit to the market in town.  = He drove the truck full of fruit to the market in town.


ex : My mom won't tell anything about it to Dad ________ would laugh at her.

(A) who (B) that (C) , who (D) , that

李捷這麼說:做這個題目一定要小心!做錯的話你可能會導致家破人亡、父母離婚的人倫慘劇喔! 敢問各位看倌,你有幾個爸爸呢?!同學們一定認為我李捷病得不輕吧!不然怎麼會這個白痴問題呢?我想每一個人都應該只有一個爸爸吧! 所以啊,本題的答案當然就是(C) ,who。

※ 文法焦點: 關係子句的限定用法與補述用法:

(1) 關係代名詞之前無逗號(,)時, 此關係子句用來限定前面的先行詞, 文法上稱為【 限定用法 】。

ex : My brother who studies in Bristol will come home next month.


(2) 關係代名詞之前有逗號(,)時, 此關係子句用來補充說明前面的先行詞, 文法上稱為【 補述用法 】。

ex : My brother, who studies in Bristol, will come home next week.

我的哥哥,他在Bristol讀書,下週就會回家。 [言下之意是我就只有一位哥哥。]



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