

ex : If he ________ here next weekend, I will give him this as a birthday present.

(A) will come (B) comes (C) is coming (D) has come

李捷這麼說:下週末雖然是未來時間,但因為屬於有可能發生的未來;還是得用現在簡單式代替未來式。所以本題必須選(B) comes。

※文法焦點:表示現在或未來有可能發生的事:if 所引導的條件子句須用現在簡單式代替未來式。

ex : If a man doesn't remain content with what he has, ill will befall him.

ex : If it rains tomorrow, we will put off our picnic.


ex : Jay doesn’t know how much money I spent in buying this car; if he ever found out,

I am sure he'd never forgive me.

※文法焦點:表示與過去事實相反的假設:假設法過去完成式 [條件子句須用過去完成式]

ex : I would have bought some from the fruit stand if litchis had been in season.


ex : It is ( about ) time you told us the truth, or we will be very angry with you. = It is ( about ) time for you to tell us the truth, or we will be very angry with you.


ex : The manager suggested that we (should ) adopt a different policy. (表主動)

ex : I desired that the action (should) not be postponed. (表被動)



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